**Our 2024 Open Mornings dates have been released. Please contact the school to book onto a tour with our Headteacher. Further information can be found under School Admissions**

RE Statement of Entitlement

RE: Statement of Entitlement

The statutory requirements for religious education were set out in the 1944 Education Act and then amended in the Education Act 1988 and restated in subsequent Acts of Parliament.  These requirements apply to all maintained schools and state that

Religious education shall be provided for all registered pupils

The subject should be taught, according to the agreed syllabus, in all Local Authority community maintained and voluntary controlled schools

Religious Education must ‘reflect the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practice of other principal religions represented in Great Britain’

The religious education syllabus is distinct from collective worship

Parental Rights

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from religious education lessons and collective worship. However, we would encourage parents to meet with the Headteacher before making such considerations to ensure there is a full understanding of the school's practices in these areas.